
There's nothing shiny in the solar system map. The solemn darkness eats away at your soul.

Monday, December 22, 2014


Saturday I slept in a bit, but got up and logged in while it was still considered morning.  I did the usual POS shuffle with online arrays and then went back to being cloaked in a safespot.

Job number one was scanning down the hole.  There were still quite a few signatures left from my scans on Thursday night.  That included two of the gas sites that were up on Thursday night.  One of them was the one I was in when the action started, LBA-008.  I was definitely going back for that gas since I'd already killed the rats.  The other, CUT-586 , I would find out later was most likely where the Venture was killed.  Both were first kicked on Thursday night and so both would last through Saturday evening.

About the time I finished scanning, my wife was up and ready to go out.  We grabbed lunch at a local bar that makes great pizza.  I ordered a pizza with way too many olives on it, but it was still awesome.  Next we were supposed to do some shopping, but my wife had been itching to get her nails done and there was a place just down the street that didn't look too busy.

Now I don't normally go with her for this stuff, but I figured it was no big deal.  We walked into the nail place and I nearly passed out from the fumes.  I've walked by a few of these places in malls and it was never this strong.  The last one I went to with her was dead and so it wasn't bad.  This one though, sweet goodness, they were busy as heck and there was no ventilation.

Trying not to be a wuss, I toughed it out for five minutes or so.  When one girl got up from the waiting area because she was next, I took her spot right next to the door.  That really didn't help at all, even with people going in and out.  So I grabbed the keys from my wife and went and sat in the cold car.  I could have started it, but I'm tougher than that, cold is no big deal, fumes are.

She had picked this place because it didn't seem busy, but it actually was, so we were there a while.  By the time she was done we had used up a good chunk of our shopping time.  So we just made one more stop for hair dye and toothbrushes at the local CVS.

Our kids had been spending the night at my parent's house so my wife could finish up Christmas shopping and wrapping the day before.  By the time we got home they were back.  Our youngest son's room always devolves into a disaster over time and this was the day we were going to start tackling it.  So that was next.

This was when I finally started to make some progress in EVE.  I'd give him a task that would take a while, then go mine some gas.  I managed to take down LBA-008 this way, and later CUT-586.  That was when I noticed a very small amount of one cloud was missing, and the rats were long since dead.  CUT-586 had to be where the Venture had died on Thursday night.  I'm guessing he only got off a few cycles before the Cerberus landed.

Basically Saturday was just a string of little things, like mining out one cloud at a time, or hitting up a Blood Raider data site.  The real challenge of the day was starting a project to sort all of our legos into color specific bins.  This task was not completed in one day.

On Thursday night I had promised my younger son that on Saturday we could play some Xbox 360 games together.  Later in the day, when the cleaning had stopped, we tried to do that.  First it was Disney Infinity, but that didn't go well.  To play in an actual world with two players you need two characters from that world.  This is the opposite of Skylanders where you are better off with two different types.  Since we didn't know this when we bought it, we only had one from each world and couldn't play two players.

Next up was Skylanders, but we only have one base unit, so we couldn't play two players there either.  Finally it was decided that we would go back to Blue Dragon, an older J-RPG which we had started playing together a year ago.  It's a single player game, but one where we could take turns and work together.  So we spent a few hours doing that and then it was time for bed.

On Sunday I got up in the late morning again.  This time my wife needed to run out with my older son to do some shopping and take the younger son to her mom's place.  I logged in and scanned down the hole, found little that was exciting, and spent some time surfing the net and goofing around.

I can't remember the exact timing, but I remember sitting there and suddenly noticing a single new signature.  My statics were fresh so it wasn't that.  I was kind of hoping it was a gas site, but it was a wormhole, a K162.  I never know what to expect with K162's, it's always a surprise.  Since I recently joked that Bob was going to flood me with High-Sec exits and hoard the Shattered Wormholes for himself, that is exactly what happened.  Welcome to Dammalin, in Heimatar, three jumps from Rens.

I had some stuff to sell and the blue loot orders were a little farther than Rens, but no biggie.  It was going to take two trips to get all the gas out so I got started right away.  Rens has a pretty healthy market, I was able to sell pretty much everything to buy orders except the gas, which I put up at competitive prices.  After the second run for Gas I had to decide what I needed to bring back in.

Normally that would be fuel, but I'm in pretty good shape at the moment and don't want to get too far ahead on supplies until I get a little further ahead in ISK.  I had been reading my 30-day report, which was a previous post on the forums before the blog was started, and in it I had set two goals for this month.  #1 was a Research Laboratory and #2 was a T3.  The T3 was more of a long term goal, I didn't expect to get it in a month, just to start raising money for it.  The Research Laboratory was a goal I wanted to achieve but wasn't sure if it would be worth it ISK-wise as something to do early in the adventure.

Coincidentally, according to Eve-Central, the cheapest Research Laboratories in EVE are in the Heimatar region, for 30m ISK.  There were three of them, two in Low-Sec and one where the route went one jump through Low-Sec, so I bought that one.  Normally these are over 50m ISK, so that was a good enough deal for me.  I hauled that sucker back to the hole and set it up.  I have to leave an extra hardener offline while I'm using it but I won't be leaving it on all the time anyway.

Previous to that purchase I was approaching breaking even for the month, afterwards of course I was not.  So I grabbed an extra load of Robotics I had stashed and ran them out for another 10m ISK.  The goal for the remainder of the month is ISK, I need to come out ahead if I ever want to get that Loki. If my sell orders do well that will make up the difference.  These first few months have been expensive as I fill in the gaps I didn't plan for.  I'm hoping this will be the last month where that is the case.

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