
There's nothing shiny in the solar system map. The solemn darkness eats away at your soul.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Two Things

#1 CSPA Charges

Many years ago, when EVE was younger, there was an annoying trick that jerks could use to interfere with your ability to use the client when they were trying to kill you.  This involved spamming you with chat invites to prevent you from clicking other things.  The only defense for this was to set your CSPA charges to something high enough that they wouldn't pay it just to spam you.

As I understand it there have been changes made to mitigate this, and I had even forgotten about the CSPA setting myself.  For anybody who has tried to EveMail me in the past, you may have been asked to pay 1 million ISK to do so.  This has been corrected, the charge is now 1000 ISK.  So if you need to EveMail me it will be slightly less painful.

#2 Anonymous Comments

Initially I set up this blog to disallow anonymous comments.  This was mainly due to the nature of the internet and the likeliness that some jerk would come along and abuse it.  While that is still a possibility, I have changed the blog to allow anonymous comments.  I did this because somebody asked nicely, and that's really all it takes.  Just know that if it gets out of control I will flip it back to registered users only, or forced moderation of all comments.  I'm sure that anybody who enjoys reading this blog is unlikely to cause a problem.  But I want to be clear that this is a test to see how things go.

1 comment:

Anonymous comments have been enabled. Please don't give me a reason to turn them back off.