
There's nothing shiny in the solar system map. The solemn darkness eats away at your soul.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The end of a long day

It's easy to lose track of time when I'm in the basement playing EVE.  The glass block window in this room--which is my only exposure to the world above--doesn't directly face the sun's path and gives few clues to what is going on outside.  The EVE clock is always visible and even though I'm quite adept at subtracting 4 or 5 depending on the state of daylight savings time, it's not always obvious in my head what the actual time is when I look at it.

I knew it was getting later.  The wife had called, they were done making cookies and heading to dinner.  With that and being an hour away I knew I had about two hours before I had to worry about interruptions.  So it seemed like a good time to run a combat site.

Captain PT had gone inactive a few hours ago.  All his POS Trash was sitting parked.  Near the end of his online time he had been sitting on the Low-Sec exit in one of the Moa's,  I was always going by in the Prowler or CovOps when he would be there.  Luckily the time I jumped in with the Osprey he was nowhere to be found.  But none of his ships had moved in a while, so I wasn't worried about him.

Earlier in the day I had fitted my salvaging ship with a 1MN Afterburner, so it was back to normal functionality.  But even better than that, I had Mobile Tractor Units to try out!  These things actually solve two problems for me.  Number one, flying around to each wreck is slow and sucky and keeping a ship half fit with tractors and salvagers is also sucky.  So a deployable that tractors and loots is super-awesome.  Number two, I always feel like I should drop a can when I land in a site, but I hate randomly ejecting something from my hold.  The MTU is something I need to drop anyway and is fine sitting at the site warp-in.

Having a few Perimeter Checkpoints to choose from, I selected one that wasn't at the top of the anomaly list using the default sort.  Other than dropping the MTU on warp-in, this was pretty much like any other run I've detailed in the past.  When the site was done I came back in the Heron as the last wreck was being tractored in.  After a quick salvage session I looted the MTU and scooped it.

Warping back to the POS I did a double-take, 7 Melted Nanoribbons, Seven!  I've seen zero before, or one, or some other number near one.  But never anything like this.  If I hadn't checked my cargo hold before warping in to loot, I'd think these were leftovers I'd forgotten about.  That's about double the value of the blue loot from the site, just in nanoribbons.

Since I'd already spent a crap-ton of money that day, I figured it wouldn't hurt to run this stuff out and sell it real quick.  At the very least it would cover the cost of the T3 skills I had bought earlier.  Somehow that got left out of this tri-post extravaganza, but on an earlier trip I had purchased the Minmatar Strategic Cruiser and Subsystem skill books to fly a Loki.  So I jumped in the CovOps, again, and headed out to Placid.

What I didn't realize was that Placid's market sucks.  There were no blue loot buy orders and the nanoribbon prices were abysmal.  A quick check of Eve-Central gave me a few options, and I chose the Yona system, in Essence.  Flying over there took several jumps but eventually I made it and sold all the loot.  With another 35m ISK in the wallet I was about to head home when I realized I was very close to my old staging point in Charmerout.  It was only a few jumps away so I stopped by for a few other things I forgot earlier.

Finally, for real this time, I headed back to Amoen, back through Captain PT's hole and into mine.  Lazily I did some PI management and eventually logged out.  It had been a very long and very productive day.  Normally I wouldn't say that about a day where I only did one fuel related run, but the situation didn't call for more than that, and I feel pretty good about how it all went.


  1. Those were tense moments with captain POS Trash. I was expecting the story to turn bloody each trip. But it seems he was happy letting you pass in an industrial a few times.

    I'm really amazed how good your logistics work. I was expecting much more hassle with only a null static.

  2. Well I'm pretty careful about that stuff, except for the odd time where I'm like "did I just jump into lowsec without a travel fit? oops" But the Prowler is pretty hard to catch, being able to covert cloak and warp cloaked. I pay for it in cargo space though, requiring more trips and thus more time spent.

    The hardest thing about the null static is finding another way out. I might use the null connection if it hits Syndicate or an area I know well enough, but more likely I'll find a Low/High Sec connection in a neighboring hole and use that. I'd rather do a couple wormhole jumps to low/high than a large number of jumps through unscouted null.

    If Captain Pos Trash had a Dictor/Hictor in his POS I'd likely have had second thoughts about running through there willy nilly. That is the one thing the Prowler fears... bubbles.


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